Thanks to Tamara Townsend for creating the original version of the libguide.
Welcome to the LIU Brooklyn urban sustainability subject guide! This guide was created as part of the Campus Committee Urban Sustainability Program (CUSP), a program founded by a four year National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) grant. Deborah Mutnick, LIU Brooklyn Professor of English, has directed the grant program along with the assistance of faculty and administrators from the library and biology, economics, and history departments.
The team also includes Profs. Katelyn Angell, Margaret Cuonzo, Carole Griffiths, Stacey Horstmann-Gatti, Timothy Leslie, Gustavo Rodriguez, Jay Shuttleworth, Jose Tello, and Christine Zolnik,
During the Spring 2021 semester the CUSP program hosted a virtual speaker series with three experts who do critical work and research on urban sustainability:
On this page you will find information on library resources and services related to the topic of urban sustainability, as well as freely available sources on the open web.