Text or chat with a Reference Librarian via the library homepage: liu.edu/brooklyn-library.
Email us: bkln-libref@liu.edu.
Create a library account using your barcode and PIN via LIUCAT, Library Catalog, to request an item not owned by the LIU Brooklyn Library, but available from another LIU Libraries.
Please submit your ILL requests to bkln-lib-interlibraryloan@liu.edu.
LIU Brooklyn Library (Library Learning Center 3rd, 4th and 5th floors)
Information Desk (3rd floor)
Circulation and Meida Center, and Interlibrary Loan (5th floor): bkln-libcirc@liu.edu
Library Computing Resources: 3rd floor)
Research Computers (3rd floor)
Library Instruction Labs (LLC 5th floor)
Visit us in-person or online @http://www.liu.edu/brooklyn/library