Resources Highlights:
Library Catalog (LIUCAT): Find print and electronic books, journals and multimedia items, such as videos and DVDs
Online Database: Find electronic periodical full-text articles, citatioins, ebooks, e-encyclopedias and multimedia clips
Annotated A-Z List of Online Databases
Full Text Journals by Title: Find out if the Library carries the journal you need electronically and whether the e-journal carries the full-text article you are looking for. You can also use this to look for print journals.
Service Highlights:
Reference: Get research help via in-person, chat, text and email reference
Circulation & Reserves: Obtain barcode, check out a print book and access reserve materials
Media Center: Obtain or view a video and DVD
Periodicals: Houses print and microforms
InterLibrary Loan (ILL): Obtain materials not owned by Library
Library Computing (Library IT): Use the computers on the three floors of the Library, as well as in the Library Cyber Lab for your academic needs.