Discovery Day 2024
April 24, 2024
Bibliography of LIU Brooklyn Campus Faculty, Staff, and Student Publications
Authors’ names in bold indicate affiliation with LIU at the time of publication
Arnold & Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Campbell, P. (2020).
Elsanhoury, R., Alasmari, A.,Parupathi, P., Jumaa, M., Al-Fayoumi, S., Kumar, A., Khashan, R., Nazzal, S., &Fayyad, A. A. (2023). AI & Experimental-based Discovery and Preclinical IND-enabling Studies of Selective BMX Inhibitors for Development of Cancer Therapeutics.
Deng, J., Habib Z., Persaud D., & Nathan, J. P. (2023, October 5). Clinical Overview: Turmeric for the Management of Osteoarthritis.
Nathan, J. P. (2024). Acetaminophen Toxicity.
Nathan, J. P. (2023). RSV Vaccines. NYCPS Newsletter, 32(6):22.
Ryabo D., Khan I., Amirov A., Shahin M., & Zerilli T. (2023, October 17). Clinical Overview: Lecanemab Offers Hope for Patients with Alzheimer Disease. Pharmacy Times. Published online October 17, 2023.
Zerilli T., Fidler B. D., & Tendhar C. (2023). Assessing the Impact of Standardized Patient Encounters on Students Medical History-taking Skills in Practice. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 87(4): ajpe8989.
Harriet Rothkopf Heibrunn School of Nursing
Kiraly, C. & Grippi, C. (2024). Assessment of Medical Spanish Language Proficiency in BSN Students: A Pilot Study. Practical Implementation of Nursing Science, 3(1): 1-11.
School of Health Professions
Lushin, V., Mathews, L., Stanhope, V., Rivera, R., Rzewinski, J., Stewart, R., Rees, J., & Marcus, S. (2023). Feasibility and Acceptability of Collaborative Documentation Tool for Implementing Medication-assisted Treatment in Substance Use Disorder Counseling. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 23(3): 179-198. DOI:
Lushin, V., Rivera, R., Chandler, M., Rees, J., & Rzewinski, J. (2023). Emotional Distress in a Marginalized Population as a Function of Household-Level Social Determinants of Health. Social Work, 68(4): 287–297,
Mae, M., Gaston, D., Conrad, J., Godina, I., Rees, J., Rivera, R., & Lushin, V. (2020). Playful but Mindful: How to Best Use Positive Affect in Treating Toddlers with Autism. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 59(3): 336-338. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaac.2019.09.003
Rivera, R., Capers, T., Chandler, M., Matthews, E., Rzewinski, J., Rees, Israel, S., & Lushin, V. (2023). Socioeconomic Stability Buffers Racial Discrimination Effect on Depression in a Marginalized Community. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 10(1): 130-140. DOI: 10.1007/s40615-021-01203-4
Rivera, R., Engstrom, M., Rees, J., Saldana, L., Beidas, R., Marcus, S., & Lushin, V. (2021). Child Health Consequences of Parental Opioid Use: A Scoping Review. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 21(4): 333-362.